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LA ESCUELA___ Announces the Results of the 2023 Open Call for Research and Programs on Art and Education

Within the framework of generating new connections between peripheral initiatives and giving visibility to practices that link art and education in Latin America, LA ESCUELA received more than 600 proposals in their 2023 Open Call. After reviewing and discussing the proposals received, LA ESCUELA is pleased to announce the names of the selected applicants that will take part in our Campus for research and collective making throughout the 2023—II and 2024—I Semesters.

The evaluation criteria were based on the relevance, pertinence, and coherence of the proposals regarding current social, political and/or environmental issues in Latin America, as well as their connections with the legacy of artist-run educational experiences in a global framework of knowledge exchange and production.

The jury, integrated by Juliana Dos Santos, Federico Pérez Villoro, Ana María Durán Calisto, Nicolás Valencia, Nayse López, Rolf Abderhalden, and for El Journal, Dr. Lisa Blackmore and Alejandro Ponce de León, selected the following proposals:

The selected artists for the RESIDENCY, to be carried out in the 2023—II Semester, in alliance with Lugar a Dudas, are:

Colectivo Ateliê Vivo, integrated by Carolina Cherubini, Flávia Lobo de Felício, Gabriela Cherubini and Andrea Guerra.

Ateliê Vivo. Courtesy: Ateliê Vivo.

The selected initiative for hosting a CLASSROOM in the 2024—I Semester is:
La Nueva Fábrica.

The selected AUDITORIUM proposals, to be carried out in the 2023—II and 2024—I Semesters, are:

Sabrina Dias in conversation with Yakuy Tupinambá.
Walther Maradiegue in conversation with Gloria Cáceres Vargas.
Juanita Porras in conversation with Marta Rodríguez.
Oscar Zamora in conversation with Yazmín M. Crespo Claudio.
Madeline Turner in conversation with Laura Anderson Barbata.
Esteban Cárdenas in conversation with Cármen "Melo" Tomsich.

The selected LABORATORIES to be developed throughout the 2023—II and 2024—I Semesters are:

Josefa Ruiz: Laboratorio experimental de imagen desde la ceguera.

Jenniffer Avila Jordán, Consejo Ancestral Willka Yaku: Palabreos en torno al fuego: justicia estética desde la visión ancestral del territorio.

José Arispe: El Arte de Dar Instrucciones, Contragolpes conceptuales para tiempos de sociedades controladas.

Fiorella Faillace and Laura Arboleda: Abraza a una artista deprimida [Hug a depressed artist] (2019). Courtesy: Fiorella Faillace and Laura Arboleda.

As for the LIBRARY, the selected proposals are conceived from the crossings of art and education, linking historical tradition, peripheral narratives, and contemporary art in Latin America.

The ESSAYS selected for publication throughout 2024 are:

Carolina Toledo – Transatlántica y transcultural: la labor artística y pedagógica de Josefina Plá.

Pa ́ati Uth – Gamaliel Churata y el surrealismo quechua.

Elson de Assis Rabelo – Lázaro Roberto Ferreira dos Santos e as transformações da experiência negra na Bahia.

Jorge Lopera – No-objetualismos y pedagogía: Juan Acha y el arte latinoamericano durante los años setenta.

Claudia López Oviedo y Priscilla Arias Fonseca – Emilia Prieto Tugores: contribuciones a una estética pedagógica latinoamericana.

Maria Patricia Tinajero – Beatriz NASCIMENTO: “The Minga: Rethinking Urban Soils for Aesthetic Education of Soil as a Creative Practice”.

Fernanda Bueno Galloni – Susana Torre: Outras formas de morar: As experiências de moradia das mães do Derick e o que elas nos ensinam sobre gênero e sexualidade na configuração dos espaços domésticos.

The MAPPINGS selected for publication throughout 2024 are:

Catalina Tenorio Vargas – El monte como aula: cruces entre prácticas agroecológicas, arte y educación en Costa Rica.


Clara Esperanza Best Núnez – Trueque: Arte, educación e interculturalidad.

Alice Lima Nin – Pedagogías de retomada en la amazonía brasileña: la memoria como práctica insurgente.

Alejandro Ortiz – Un interior plural: Tres casos de articulación imaginativa fuera del centro de Guatemala.

Oscar M. Caballero – La Ciudad de Las Flores: Memorabilia queer y legado urbano en Masaya, Nicaragua.

Amado Cabrales – Tierra a la vista: Procesos de autoformación de maestrxs de arte en escuelas media superior de la zona conurbada de la ciudad de México.

Emireth Herrera Valdes – Socially Engaged Practice: Immigration and the Non-Boundaries in Contemporary Art.

Finally, the selected articles for the first edition of EL JOURNAL are:

María Paz Amaro Cavada - Laboratorio de Investigación en Resonancia y Expresión de la Naturaleza. Instrumentos para una nueva educación en torno a las especies marinas.

Marina Guzzo y Kidauane Regina Alves - Ilhas: travessias coreográficas em paisagens de exclusão.

Mauricio Patrón Rivera y Ana Emilia Felker Centeno - Existir de otra forma: Acahual, narrativas ecológicas y especies nepantleras.

Luisa Fernanda Giraldo - Primitiva afluencia

Katie Lawson - A Series of Returns: Indigenous land, water and food sovereignty in contemporary art.

Lior Zisman Zalis y Guilherme Bento Lago Queiroz - Das formas nascidas das águas.
Luisa Fernanda Giraldo - Primitiva afluencia.

Diego Ventura Puac-Coyoy - El río fluye, la piedra permanece.

Diana Barquero Pérez - Si crees que puedes tomarme, piénsalo de nuevo: Perspectivas sobre el paisaje acuático del Humedal Nacional Térraba Sierpe.

Camila Stipo - Feminismo posthumanista y crisis hídrica en la obra Kowkülen de Sebastián Calfuqueo.