Research about artistic educational projects and experiences, tracing genealogies, transits and interests connected by a common macrohistorical context but from specific micro-geopolitics and fields of actions.
This text presents itself as an acknowledgment of the long-term work carried out by the art teachers of the High School Education Institutes of Mexico City (IEMS), from its beginnings in 2000 to the present. It aims to highlight their self-managed work and update processes, as well as their efforts to defend an ... read more -
La biopiratería que amenaza al maíz olotón en México debe señalarse, así como también divulgar formas no coloniales de desarrollo tecnológico avanzado, para alentar futuros esperanzadores libres de despojos, explotación y con prioridad en la voluntad de los pueblos del mundo. read more -
Derick’s mothers’ decision to turn their home into a meeting place for the lesbian and queer community was an isolated choice, but one that is less unusual than it might seem. read more -
Within the richness of realities, interests, and approaches that contemporary Latin American architecture offers, there is a line of young architects interested in collective knowledge and diluting hierarchies, with a balanced inclination towards process and results. To them, the geographical, economic, social, and ... read more -
Así como lo fue la energía subterránea que alimentaba la poesía afrocaribeña o la coincidencia de exposiciones sobre temas de género a finales de los años noventa. Vuelve nuevamente el deseo de reclamar otras formas de autodeterminación y agencia y la potencia de la fuerza de la comunidad, no sin contradicciones, ... read more -
Education and pedagogy then become places that cultivate that vulnerability and collective openness as starting points for putting thought into a state of rebellion, that is, as starting points for pedagogy to transform into emancipatory practice. read more -
The body remains inseparable from its image; the body is always its own image. But that image becomes representation only when the body that sustains it is prescinded, when the body is absent, or when the body is deprived of that which defines it as a subjective body. read more -
Since November 2003, UNESCO declared the Carnival of Barranquilla as Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity. Before that year, the practices and interests of the private sector (commerce and industry) had already interfered in the arrangements of the carnival, far removed as they are from the unproductive nature and ... read more -
What these projects [of Milo Tamez and Ximena Alarcón] have in common is the expansion of sonic thought as a node between communities and the willingness to decentralize listening, breathing as a material and affective form, and the politicization of auditory experience as a mode of action in the present. read more -
I dedicate this text to him, who left us while I was writing it, but who will continue to be our guide–because, as José Miguel Wisnik said, “there is no death that can end with him.” 2 And I take the opportunity to share the feeling of philosopher Douglas Rodrigues Barros: “Today, with a theater that is increasingly ... read more -
For this mapping, I will talk about four projects: Bruma laboratoria, Ensayo en Sitio, Vivero de Tebanca’s Topote de Acahual, and A la Vera Editorial [...] groups that work with self-education and the questioning of the colonizing forms of progress and order imposed during the last century. read more -
Since the so-called 'indigenous awakening,' the people of the communities have established new routes of defense, production, and reproduction of communal community life. This has given rise to attempts to make new scientific paths and generate what could be called a communal epistemology. read more -
Architecture, compared to other fields of knowledge, presents codes and procedures that are different from the common reference mechanisms of science. Normally, the production of knowledge requires the incorporation of previously developed theories, evidence, studies and experiences, these being the ones that define ... read more -
Television, books, entertainment, sounds, spatialities, visuals, movements. These instances acting together cooperate for the perception of these relationships. The children will feel where their existence is "given" by disgust and when it will be welcomed as power and beauty. All this goes through the skin, reaching ... read more -
As much as the school, architecture itself also served colonialism as a civilizing instrument, so, together with the Yanomami people, we were incited to think about how we could make it serve the interests of the communities. read more -
The objective of this text is to present a critical review of the educational advisory process for the exhibition PretAtitude: Emergências, insurgências e afirmações [...] based on contemporary Afro-Brazilian art, the exhibition focused on themes such as memory, identities, and ancestry. The purpose of the advisory ... read more -
Several movements and schools with a strong local imprint are arising in the Paraguayan cultural scene. They are developing unprecedented products and translating local language into a universal language. read more -
The term ‘(in)curate visualities’ attempts to approximate what is disclosed and what is still covered in artworks that touch on educational topics. [...] The artworks’ analysis will imply some of the reading possibilities [...] which invite viewers to the debate about education access and permanence in the Brazilian ... read more -
What this type of recent art activism practices have raised through their interventions is the importance of disputing the mediations and infrastructures that constitute the fabric of the common [...] They are no longer epic actions (notably masculinist) that seek a radical revolution, but rather situated exercises ... read more -
Who has forged and shaped the referents (and possibly the canon) of Venezuelan art? [...] We will attempt to map possible indications of the establishment of a canon through the most influential referents, questioning the place given to art produced by women (and its themes) within that "canon." read more -
The space is often cited as being less affected by the political ebbs and flows of the Cuban State, where freedom of speech and expression are largely maintained, thus creating the perfect grounds for creative growth and blossoming. read more -
How flexible and malleable can curating become in order to provoke a flux of ideas rather than reassert already established concepts? [...] What happens when curating is about being within live processes rather than relating through finished forms? read more -
The artistic, pedagogical and curatorial practices of Alberto Goldenstein, Fernanda Laguna and Roberto Echen generated new ways of perceiving and understanding part of the world [...] What fights they had to face? What traces they left? Why they marked an era? read more -
The fact that the three projects [CAP, Escuela Experimental de Arte, and EspIRA] are based on affective pedagogies is the outcome of experiential and contextual knowledge of their territories. A little bit a consequence of the hostility and shortcomings of the context, but also a reflection of a practice born from ... read more -
The Zapatista arts are fulfilling the double function of, on the one hand, narrating their own history for the exercise of collective memory and, on the other, making pedagogy about the current daily praxis of autonomy. read more -
Are there pedagogical strategies that dislocate art museums from their vocation as civilizing devices to become institutions of reparation, rooted in their territories and histories? read more -
Promiscuity implies indiscriminate care, going beyond the idea of only taking care of "our own" [...] We will trace care practices through specific art interventions by the collectives Mujeres Creando (Bolivia), Delight Lab (Chile), and Etcetera (Argentina). read more -
Is it in fact possible to recreate past realities, belonging to a distant past? [...] The works of Argentine artist Lucila Gradín and Brazilian artist Guga Ferraz reveal those geographies lived and hidden under the layer of the present. [...] reproducing spaces that are both imagined and real at the same time. read more -
Each one of these experiences weaves together the becomings and tactics that trouble the foundations that build our ideas of State, community and political action. In this sense, we understand these processes as speculative precisely because they extrapolate a present considered atrophied. read more -
These three projects are signs of how much the school can learn from citizen activism. It is a matter of pedagogical innovation from the art practices and especially from the struggles that are being waged today to redefine democracy [...] with new images of history and with the cultural diversity of all its people. read more -
A selection of cases of artivism from Argentina, Chile, and Mexico, which work with practices of un-education and radical imagination, using tools that destabilize the prevailing order from the arts and various aesthetic devices [...] they lead to develop radical imaginations that are capable of changing the living ... read more -
These initiatives are proposed as a place of life and production of subjectivities, impulse and energy in the face of the epistemological opening that we are experiencing at a global level [...] to stop commodifying knowledge as something which is possible to possess, and to work from a position of non-knowing. read more -
The pedagogical programs of aesthetic thought in the region, conceived and managed by independent organizations, emerge from an intense desire to contribute to the emancipatory processes of the communities where each of them operates. read more -
When thinking about education as a space for the exchange and expansion of perspectives, we must take into account the complexity of issues of opacity and visibility, given that both are strategically articulated in the history of humanity and have contributed to the world as we know it, where a scenario organized in ... read more -
Most of these collective and collaborative research hubs have surfaced mainly because of the scarce resources for managing new ventures and the lack of specialized training in critical studies in the visual arts field. In this sense, the education and art perspective has enabled an in-depth re-exploration of the ... read more -
From that confused and polarized atmosphere, arose new imageries to address the public realm, forms of protest, and the quest for self-management. From 2006 emerged a shared effort to renew the artistic social framework, which could no longer continue to rely on heroes or institutions, turning to networks of support, ... read more -
What methodologies and structures for teaching and learning about art are maintained today in academic circles? In this world, what is the relationship between knowledge and practices? What interactions do the worlds of the university and academia establish with the social, political and cultural context? read more -
Art as action could be liberated from pedestals, frames or buildings and intertwined with life, affecting and being affected by the everydayness of the world. The experiential and political dimension of such walking and dislocation resonates in various artistic practices in the 1960s and 70s. read more -
(…) considering particularly what has been called the ontological or vegetal turn in the humanities. The examples of projects and practices that will be commented on briefly are divided into three “categories,” which seek to provisionally situate different types of relationships between humans and non-humans. read more -
When I talk about exploring and mapping, I also mean getting out of the way and getting lost. Ahead in this text, I offer three provocations (projects) to awaken your imagination: to identify forms of cultural programming with bonds to sex-dissident communities; to modify the ways of being together in order to sustain ... read more -
To think of ways of linking the fields of art and education is to imagine possible strategies for modifying the established reproductive mechanism, a difficult task when the owners of knowledge have the means to affirm relations of power/knowledge and the possibility of setting aesthetic and pedagogical agendas ... read more -
Out of need or desire, those who put into practice a work that seeks to act from education are called to be bridges between artistic practice, cultural institutions, and audiences beyond the art world. This is the result of a fragile cultural institutional framework, which makes artists and cultural agents assume ... read more -
This "provocation to thought" and the action that consequently occurs is something that we will see ahead in a selection of works by Cecilia Vicuña and Lea Lublin (...) How did the searches of these artists materialize around art and education? How did they dismantle the established ways of seeing? What is the role of ... read more -
In the midst of the institutional transformations in the field of art education that have taken place in the continent, there have been some exceptional initiatives carried out by artists who propose a link between art and pedagogy beyond conventional spaces and programs, from their own practices as creators (...) read more