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  • 2024

  • 05/27 — 07/28/2024

    Encontro Educação e arte no território: Projetos formativos


    Projetos formativos in situ no âmbito do Encontro “Educação e arte no território: Práticas artísticas, comunitárias, educativas e de mediação na ... read more
  • 05/27 — 07/28/2024

    Encontro Educação e Arte no Território: Mesas de debate


    Espaços online de intercâmbio e reflexão translocal no marco do Encontro "Educação e Arte no Território: Práticas artísticas, comunitárias, ... read more
  • 05/21 — 06/06/2024

    Seba Calfuqueo The Fluidity of Bodies


    Educational project developed in alliance with La Nueva Fábrica, with participation from students of the Instituto Municipal de Educación Básica de ... read more
  • 05/21 — 05/31/2024

    Mariela Richmond Objectual Devices for Us to Imagine


    Art and education residency organized by LA ESCUELA__, developed in alliance with Casa Orozco and the Secretaria de Cultura de Jalisco through the ... read more
  • 05/14 — 05/23/2024

    Online Seminar: Collective Reticulárea


    Sparking from a revision of the works and pedagogic practices of the Venenezuelan-German artist Gego, LA ESCUELA__ proposes an artistic and ... read more
  • 04/16 — 04/30/2024

    José Arispe The Art of Giving Instructions. Conceptual Backlashes for Times of Controlled Societies


    Artist and curator José Arispe proposes a space for learning and collective making based on the concept of “sensory-conceptual space” coined by ... read more
  • 04/05 — 05/05/2024

    Nahuel Sánchez Tolosa Simulacros interplanetarios: Necessary Constelations


    Art and education residency organized by Terremoto together with La Escuela ___, with participation from the artist Nahuel Sánchez ... read more
  • 03/13/2024

    Laura Anderson Barbata Activating Knowledge from the Body


    In this AUDITORIUM session, Mexican transdisciplinary artist Laura Anderson Barbata will address her long, dynamic work as a visual arts professor, ... read more
  • 03/12 — 03/26/2024

    Josefa Ruiz Caballero Seeing What We See: Experiments around Images and Blindness


    How do we see what we see? What makes up an image? read more
  • 2023

  • 12/12 — 12/12/2023

    DIADIA Arquitectura La Cabina de la Curiosidad Lunárquicos EXTRAMUROS – Outside the Walls


    Conclusions of the series of formative projects carried out under the curatorship of Javier Vera Cubas, based on the exchange in popular ... read more
  • 12/05 — 12/14/2023

    Consejo Ancestral Willka Yaku ‘Palabreos’ Around the Fire: Aesthetic Justice from the Ancestral Vision of the Territory


    This LABORATORY is thought-felt as aesthetic justice. The decolonization of the arts from ancestrality is intertwined with the struggles of ... read more
  • 11/30 — 11/30/2023

    Florencia Portocarrero Future Weavings: Artistic Experimentation and Collective Creation within Latin American Textile Traditions


    Conclusions on the formative projects developed by of the Noqanchis Collective (integrated by Alipio Melo, Danitza Willka and María José Murillo ); ... read more
  • 11/27 — 12/10/2023

    Sol Calero Heysell Leal How to Draw a Choreography?


    Formative project curated by Stefanie Reisinger, developed in alliance with the Goethe-Institut Venezuela, in collaboration with the Fundación Sonia ... read more
  • 11/22/2023

    Fernando Pérez Oyarzún Teaching Architecture: Contemporary Challenges


    In this AUDITORIUM session, Fernando Pérez Oyarzún sets out to examine the role played by the teaching of architecture, as well as the ... read more
  • 11/14 — 03/31/2024

    Gego Miguel Braceli Collective Reticulárea: Communal Cartographies


    On-site and remote participatory art project, created to reactivate the legacy of the German-Venezuelan artist Gego and her historical significance. ... read more
  • 10/21 — 11/10/2023

    Ateliê Vivo Reinventiva têxtil


    Art and education residency organized by LA ESCUELA___ together with Lugar a Dudas, with the participation of Brazilian collective Ateliê Vivo, ... read more
  • 10/17 — 10/31/2023

    Fiorella Faillace Laura Arboleda Artists' Union Salon Vol.1: On the Socio-cultural Role of the Artistic Work


    This space for collective learning and making seeks to problematize the challenges faced by artistic work in Latin America. This will be done through ... read more
  • 07/17 — 07/31/2023

    Gabo Camnitzer This Seed Will Germinate


    Art and education residency organized by LA ESCUELA___, together with Casa Orozco and the Secretaría de Cultura de Jalisco through the Escuela de ... read more
  • 06/29 — 07/13/2023

    Malu Valerio (A)nto-biography: Practices of Food Care


    "To think of food as a concrete construction with grounds that support the erected." By investigating the cooking archive of Antonieta Sosa, ... read more
  • 06/14/2023

    Handel Guayasamín Knowing How to Be, to Do and to Celebrate


    In this AUDITORIUM session, Handel Guayasamín shares with LA ESCUELA___ an approach to the thinking and works of his studio Handel Guayasamín, ... read more
  • 06/14 — 11/21/2023

    Noqanchis Grupo Silät Hellen Ascoli, Luisa González-Reiche and Negma Coy Future Weavings: Networks of dialogue and collaboration around Latin American textile art


    Formative projects conceived collectively through exchanges among weaving artists, artists with training in fine arts, and cultural agents from ... read more
  • 05/03/2023

    Beatriz González Guides School and other Protocols of Contemplation


    In this AUDITORIUM session, Beatriz González shares with LA ESCUELA___ some of the anecdotes behind one of her most valued 'strategies': ... read more
  • 05/02 — 05/12/2023

    Al Borde Learning on the Edge


    Formative project developed in alliance with Universidad Católica Nuestra Señora de la Asunción Campus Alto Paraná in Paraguay, with the ... read more
  • 05/01 — 07/31/2023

    DIADIA Arquitectura La Cabina de la Curiosidad Lunárquicos EXTRAMUROS


    Formative projects conceived as devices for collective making and learning. To be developed in popular neighborhoods of Lima, Bogota, and Quito, ... read more
  • 04/27 — 05/11/2023

    Sergio Beltrán-García Militant Memories


    Cartographies and Memorials to Defenders of the Lands. Mexican Architect, activist and researcher Sergio Beltrán-García proposes a ... read more
  • 04/12 — 05/06/2023

    Renata Sampaio Intimacy as a Presupposition for a Decolonial Practice


    Art and education residency organized by LA ESCUELA___ together with Lugar a Dudas, with the participation of Brazilian transdisciplinary artist and ... read more
  • 04/06/2023

    Anna Bella Geiger Atividade Criatividade: A Special Didactics


    In the first AUDITORIUM session of the 2023—I Semester, Anna Bella Geiger shares with LA ESCUELA___ some of her teaching experiences at the Escola de ... read more
  • 03/07 — 03/21/2023

    Varinia Canto Vila Should, Could, Can: Movement within the Relation of Law, Rules, and Life


    An exercise in social choreography and empathy. Chilean dancer, choreographer, and researcher Varinia Canto Vila proposes a space for exploring the ... read more
  • 02/13 — 02/23/2023

    Eleonora Fabião _WALKS _WALKING_ WALKERS_


    Formative project developed in alliance with Kiosko Galería with the participation of artists and art students from Santa Cruz de La Sierra and La ... read more
  • — 12/15/2023

    Travesías Terremoto Simulacros interplanetarios


    Con la intención de cultivar espacios para la colaboración en Latinoamérica y el Caribe, Terremoto + LA ESCUELA___ abren una convocatoria para ... read more
  • 2022

  • 12/14/2022

    Lia Rodrigues Butterflies that Drink Turtle Tears


    In this session of AUDITORIUM, Lia Rodrigues shares with LA ESCUELA___ her reflections on creative processes based on syntropic farming, whose ... read more
  • 12/01 — 12/12/2022

    Benvenuto Chavajay María José Machado Gutiérrez Jessica Briceño Cisneros Utopian Teaching


    by Félix Suazo read more
  • 11/29 — 12/13/2022

    Daniela Medina Poch Elizabeth Gallón Droste Aqualiteracies: Feeling~Thinking with Waters


    A Fluid Archive of Interspecies Communications in Hybrid Temporalities. How do we communicate with water? What hybrid communication protocols do we ... read more
  • 11/20 — 12/04/2022

    Gustavo Ciríaco Where the Horizon Moves


    Formative project developed in alliance with the Departamento de Artes del Movimiento of the Universidad Nacional de las Artes (UNA), El Asunto de lo ... read more
  • 11/16/2022

    Miguel Rubio Zapata A Complex Weaving: Ancient Indigenous and Contemporary Theatricalities


    In this session of AUDITORIUM, Miguel Rubio Zapata shares with LA ESCUELA___ his reflections concerning ancient Indigenous and contemporary ... read more
  • 10/18 — 11/10/2022

    Andrés Pereira Paz Soil Analysis Laboratory


    The Soil Analysis Laboratory is a space for reflection and self-knowledge conducted by Bolivian artist Andrés Pereira Paz, focused on ... read more
  • 10/17 — 10/25/2022

    Jorgge Menna Barreto Eloisa Brantes Metabolic Disobedience


    Formative project developed in alliance with the Master in Performing Arts program of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, together with Mapa Teatro ... read more
  • 10/10 — 10/22/2022

    José Luis Macas Paredes Hydropoetics – Hydropolitics


    Art and education residency organized by La Escuela ___, together with Casa Orozco and the Secretaría de Cultura de Jalisco through the ... read more
  • 09/20 — 10/01/2022

    Agremiação LATIDOS Political Fiction Program


    Is our imagination in crisis? What is its political role? What prevents and allows today another imagery of politics? Can we deconstruct official ... read more
  • 09/12 — 12/14/2022

    Benvenuto Chavajay Jessica Briceño Cisneros María José Machado Gutiérrez Configuring Space: Body, Land, and Community


    Formative projects conceived as devices for collective making and learning. To be developed under the curatorial coordination of Félix Suazo. read more
  • 07/30 — 08/03/2022

    Mônica Hoff Miguel Braceli Liminal Geopoetics: Pedagogies in Public


    Formative project developed at CAMP notes on education at documenta fifteen by La Escuela ___. read more
  • 06/28 — 07/12/2022

    Felipe Rivas San Martín Political Retrofuturism of Abya Yala: Activisms, Between Time and Technique


    "Activism as a particular form of technology". Chilean artist Felipe Rivas San Martín proposes an online co-creation laboratory around ... read more
  • 06/22/2022

    Luis Camnitzer The Unstitched Curriculum


    In this session of AUDITORIUM, Luis Camnitzer will share his reflections and concerns in regard to the current educational systems of art: What do ... read more
  • 06/20 — 06/27/2022

    Laura Anderson Barbata The Experience of the Common


    Formative project developed in collaboration with Ciudad Abierta and the Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso (PUCV), with participation from ... read more
  • 05/11/2022

    Mónica Mayer Against Patriarchal Cobwebs


    In this AUDITORIUM session, Mónica Mayer shares with LA ESCUELA___ her reflections on the patriarchal dynamics present in public spaces, her struggle ... read more
  • 05/10 — 05/19/2022

    Patricia Domínguez Andrés Pereira Paz Sign: Activating Technologies of the Void


    “What is commanded to move energetically from within moves on the outside through lines.” 1 By exploring the emancipatory potential of artistic ... read more
  • 04/24 — 05/07/2022

    Esvin Alarcón Lam Decolonizing the Steadies: from The Sovereignty of Mangoes to Tropics


    by Elizabeh Marín Hernández read more
  • 04/24 — 05/07/2022

    Esvin Alarcón Lam The Sovereignty of Mangoes


    Formative project developed in partnership with Goethe-Institut Venezuela, in collaboration with Fundación Espacio and Espacio Proyecto Libertad, ... read more
  • 04/20/2022

    Ricardo Basbaum Some Collective Collaborative Situations


    In this AUDITORIUM session, Ricardo Basbaum shares with LA ESCUELA___ his reflections on the complexities implicit in the relationships that arise in ... read more
  • 04/11 — 04/15/2022

    Laura Uribe Dramaturgy as an Architecture of Meaning


    "How to (re)imagine more dignified futures? How to (re)present reflections that produce other realities?" The Mexican performing artist Laura Uribe ... read more
  • 03/10 — 03/24/2022

    Nicolás Paris Fourth World or a Classroom Without Infrastructure


    "The creative space as a classroom without physical structure." Colombian artist Nicolás Paris proposes an online co-creation laboratory ... read more
  • 03/09/2022

    Cecilia Vicuña School of Listening the IM pulse of the POSSIBLE


    For the opening session of the AUDITORIUM, Cecilia Vicuña will share with La Escuela ___ her reflections on the process of decolonizing ... read more