Catalina Tenorio
(San José, Costa Rica, 1991) Manager, researcher and artist. Catalina Tenorio is a collaborator at the Department of Sociocultural Management of Costa Rica (MCJ-CR), where she accompanies individuals, collectives and organizations benefiting from contestable funds in the development of context-based sociocultural projects. She is a member of the collective LaRuidosaOficina, with whom she has worked with organizations such as KW Institute for Contemporary Art, MUAC-UNAM, Bienal FEMSA, Museo Jumex, Centex-Ministry of Cultures, Arts and Heritage of Chile, Center for Digital Culture of Mexico, Arteducarte-OEI Ecuador, among others. She published Memoria del Campamento Audiovisual de Mujeres y Territorios: archivo del proceso + herramientas de comunicación (Kioscos Socioambientales-Universidad de Costa Rica), a project she was part of. She has experience in directing research-oriented creative processes. In 2021, she received an honorable mention in the National Culture Awards for her work as art director. She has been a jury member of TEOR/éTica’s Beca Catalizadora grant (Costa Rica) and of La Nueva Fábrica's Community Project Residency Program (Guatemala). Catalina Tenorio has an interdisciplinary training in arts, anthropology, and non-formal education from the University of Costa Rica and the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogota.