Marga Sequeira
(San Jose, Costa Rica, 1986) Visual researcher and artistic mediator, interested in movement and corporeality. She studied contemporary dance at the Taller Nacional de Danza. She took courses on philosophy and history and specialized in gender, sexuality, and feminist theory. She holds a degree in Art History and another in Physical Therapy from the University of Costa Rica. She completed a diploma in Anthropology of Art and a Master's Degree in Visual Arts and Cultural Studies (feminist and queer perspective). She is part of the art-education collective La Ruidosa Oficina with whom she practices, researches, and reflects on artistic and pedagogical mediation, and around the educational potential of art. Together, they have developed projects with the Jumex Museum, the MUAC-UNAM, the VIX Biennial FEMSA-Mexico, the KW Institute for Contemporary Art-Berlin, and the Spanish Cultural Center in Costa Rica and in Mexico, among others.