Ulisses Carrilho
(Porto Alegre, Brazil, 1990) Curator of the Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Lage (EAV) and former student of the same institution. He has a graduate degree in Economics of Culture (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul-UFRGS), and studied Social Communication (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul-PUCRS) and Literature (Portuguese / French - UFRGS). He began his career as assistant director of the Museum of Contemporary Art of Rio Grande do Sul, later, in the institutional relationships of the Bienal do Mercosul Foundation (Porto Alegre, Brazil) and the Rolando Anselmi gallery (Berlin, Germany). His research at the intersecting field of arts and education seeks counter-narratives that criticize the production logic of cognitive capitalism. He coordinates the Formation and Deformation Program at the EAV Parque Lage. His practices involve research projects that are developed in different contexts between art and education, carried out in Colombia, the Amazon rainforest, Northern Ireland, and Pakistan. He is interested in manifestations of insubordination, disobedience, and indiscipline, and in investigating intimacy as a pedagogical resource. He lives in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.