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La Ruidosa Oficina

(San Jose, Costa Rica) Collective of art + education, cultural management, and artistic mediation integrated by Marga Sequeira, Catalina Tenorio, and Mariela Richmond. Together, they work around teaching/learning processes based on transdisciplinary work, concerning the integration of knowledge on visual, scenic and audiovisual arts, education, feminisms, history, anthropology, philosophy, gender studies, among others. With an emphasis on collaborative work and the creation of networks, they have carried out projects in artistic, cultural and social spaces such as Cultural Centers of Spain, the Museo Universitario Arte Contemporáneo MUAC-UNAM, VIX Femsa-Mexico Biennial, Museo Jumex. Among their recent projects stand out: Nunca más aprenderé de forma aburrida (workshop for teachers, Museo Jumex, 2021); You Are Not Muted (KW Institute for Contemporary Art- Berlin, 2021); Mediar las distancias: Archivos y Afectos (pedagogical program of the FEMSA-Mexico Biennial, 2020); Pausas para Dudar (program, Museo Universitario Arte Contemporáneo MUAC-UNAM, Mexico, 2020); Mixtape party: Bailongo educativo (mediation at Joy in Times of Uncertainty, the University of Bergen, Norway, 2020), among others.