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Tomás Straka

(Caracas, Venezuela, 1972) Historian and professor. Director of the Institute of Historical Research "Hermann González Oropeza, sj" at the Andrés Bello Catholic University (UCAB) in Caracas, and a member of the National Academy of History of Venezuela. He has a PhD in History (UCAB) and is a professor of Social Sciences graduated from the Pedagogical Institute of Caracas - Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador (Venezuela). He has been a professor and visiting researcher at the University of Chicago, the National Autonomous University of Mexico, the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Colombia), and Pomona College (USA). He is a columnist in various digital media, such as Prodavinci and Debates IESA. He has authored monographic studies, essays, and textbooks, among which are: La voz de los vencidos. Ideas del partido realista de Caracas, 1810-1821; La épica del desencanto. Historiografía, bolivarianismo y política en Venezuela; and La república fragmentada. Claves para entender a Venezuela.