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Marta Maccaglia

(Terni, Italy, 1983) Architect and educator. She holds a master’s degree in exhibition space design from La Sapienza University of Rome. She has lived in Peru since 2011, working on architecture and cooperation projects. Marta Maccaglia is the founder and director of Asociación Semillas (2014–) and co-founder of the office PLAN A 0-100 (2019–2021). She has taught at the University of Sciences and Arts of Latin America - UCAL (2015–2023) and has provided consultancy to the Ministry of Education of Peru. Her work encompasses research projects, academic activities, and architecture projects within a comprehensive development framework. She won the  DIVIA (Diversity in Architecture) Award – Berlin 2023 and has been shortlisted for the Dorfman Award of the Royal Academy - London 2022, the Mies Crown Hall of Americas Prize (MCHAP. Emerge) of the Illinois Institute – Chicago 2022, and the Ar-Emerging Architecture Awards of the Architectural Review 2020. In 2018, she was conferred the World Sustainable Architecture Award by La Cité de l’Architecture - Paris. Maccaglia has given lectures at various international institutions, such as Harvard University, Cité de l'Architecture, TU Berlin, ETH Zurich, the Royal Academy, Mies Crownhall, and others.