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Walla Capelobo

(Brazil, 1992) Dark forest and fertile mud. She is a transfeminist and anticolonial researcher and artist creating throughout the spiral of time that crosses her life. Walla intends to be a native seed capable of regenerating raided lands. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Art History (EBA/UFRJ) and a master's degree in PPGCA (IACS/UFF). She is the educational coordinator of the platform Desculonización: acción y pensamiento (Mexico-Brazil). She is also a collaborator at CIPEI - Círculo Permanente de Estudios Independientes (Mexico-Brazil), a research platform on counterpedagogies and countervisualities. She has proposed and developed the courses "Terra à Terra" and the study group "Composteiras: saberes regenerativos con Beatriz Nascimento" [Composteiras: Regenerative Knowledge with Beatriz Nascimento], together with artist and researcher Millena Lízia, both at the Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Lage (Rio de Janeiro).