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Eduardo Carrera

(Quito, Ecuador, 1987) Curator and cultural manager. He currently serves as coordinator of the Center for Contemporary Art of Quito (CAC). He has a master's degree in Cultural Management from the International University of Catalonia and also completed the Independent Studies Program of MACBA, Barcelona – PEI. He holds a degree in Visual Arts from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador. He was co-director of No Lugar – Arte Contemporáneo. Between 2011 and 2019, he has been chief curator of the CAC, advisor and national director of museums and archaeological sites of the Ministry of Culture and Heritage of Ecuador, he collaborated on projects with the Metropolitan Institute of Heritage of Quito and was head of research and heritage of the Fundación Museos de la Ciudad. His texts have been published in Artpress, Artishock, ArtsEverywhere, Terremoto, and L'internationale.