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Eyder Fabio Calambás

(Popayán, Cauca, Colombia, 1991) Comunero, researcher, and enmingador of the Misak people. He is a philosopher and holds a master's degree in Integrated Arts with the Environment from UniCauca. He teaches at 'Ala Kusreik Ya Misak University'. His research and writing focuses on the critical study of cultural studies and the exercise of decolonial practices from an environmental perspective. He has been winner of the residency in BLOQUE de IDARTES 2019 and the Colombian Art Criticism award of the 2022 Stimulus call, with the essay "Origen popular y territorial de la creatividad. Las artes nacen en el territorio, las aprenden las comunidades y se oficializan por los artistas.” He is the author of the books Definiciones inexactas para una ecología implícita and Definiciones inexactas para una posible estética de la liberación. He has been theoretical curator, philosopher, and artist at the 8th, 9th, and 10th Salón Internacional Intercultural de Arte Indígena "Manuel Quintín Lame." Presently, he accompanies the Ancestral Council Willka Yaku(Sacred Water) and carries out the curatorial research of the 18th Regional Artists' Salon - Pacific Zone: CURATE OBEYING, from the community mandate, the mandate of Nupiré-Earth.