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Jenniffer Ávila Jordán (Phuyu Uma)

(Cali, Colombia, 1987) Woman, artist, philosopher and teacher of 'Ala Kusreik Ya Misak Universidad' in Wambia, Cauca, Colombia. Co-founder of the Ancestral Council Willka Yaku -Sacred Waters-. She won the IDARTES 2020 BLOQUE residency with the project "Retratos hablados de la Abuela Agua, voces ocultas alrededor de las cuencas del río Bogotá"; in which she illustrated the 'Mandatos de la Abuela Agua' and directed the documentary Memorias de la Abuela Agua. She has accompanied the Ancestral Council Willka Yaku in the First Andean Ceremonial Race united for water (2011), 'Pagamentos a los siete ríos de Cali' (2013), 'Pagamentos a los nueve picos nevados de Colombia' (2012 - 2014), creating the podcasts Mandatos sonoros de los pueblo originarios del Cauca y su vínculo con el río Magdalena (2021), and directing the documentary Luchar como mayora (2022). She is currently co-researcher in the 18th Regional Artists Salon - Pacific Zone:CURATE OBEYING, from the community mandate, the mandate of Nupiré-Earth.