Beth Castro
(Brazil) Actres, researcher and teacher. Actress at “Colcha de Retalhos” Theater Group, where she has developed several artistic projects. She holds a degree in Theatre. Beth Castro is a storyteller, reading mediator, clown, and researcher of childhood, child games, and popular culture. She is an art teacher at EMIA (Acronym in Portuguese for Escola Municipal de Iniciação Artística — Municipal School of Artistic Initiation). She teaches Literature at the Primeira Estação elementary school (through APANA). She has published articles such as Memórias de infância: fios que desenrolam a escuta do olhar [Childhood Memories: connections that unwind the listening of the child’s eye], published in Piapuru magazine in 2018. She has commissioned projects for the Culture Department of São Paulo, such as Piá, Piapi, Jovem Monitor, and Vocacional. Commissioner at PROAC by State Department of São Paulo. She coordinates the MTR (Movimento do Teatro de Rua — Street Theater Movement) of São Paulo, and the RBTR (Rede Brasileira de Teatro de Rua — Brazilian Network of Street Theater).